100 Indoor Activities!
Running out of ideas for things to do inside? Or maybe its a wet weather day. Have no fear, we have created a list of 100 indoor activities that you are your family can do at home.

We’ve put together a whole bunch of activities the kids will love. And the best part? They can all be done indoors. Save this link for a rainy day (literally!), and get ready for hours of entertainment.
- Make your own playdough – check out our post here!
- Make your own slime – there’s a bunch of recipes online, including edible slime for those little ones that think everything is food…
- Make Rainbow rice – shake up ½ cup of white rice with a few drops of food colouring (and a TINY splash of water if you need it)
- Dye old clothes using vege scraps – boil veges skins (about a cups worth) like onions, beetroot, spinach, or orange peels with 2 cups of water. Turn off the heat, allow to cool and put in your old cloths, shirts or hats. Let soak for a few hours, or until they are dyed to the right colour
- Make sun-catchers
- Make your own ornaments for the next holiday coming up!
- Make stamps out of old sponges
- Make a diorama using an old shoebox. We love making aquariums and solar systems
- Make scratch art. Paint some paper with lots of different colours (in stripes or random sections). Allow to dry, and then add a layer of black paint. Before it dries, scrape out shapes or drawings.
- Make Your Own Bookmarks. There are templates online if you need a helping hand!
- Paint fruit and veges to make aliens
- Make Paper Boats
- Finger Paint
- Make Friendship Bracelets
- Make a Bird Feeder using your recycling!
- Make Paper Bag Puppets
- Make Handprint people/animals.
- Start a Scrapbook
- Make a sequinned disco ball using small pins, sequins and a Styrofoam ball
- Make paper aeroplanes

- Decorate old T-Shirts
- Make a Thankful Jar
- Create a sensory “Clean your hands bag!” Check out the link here
- Paint Leaves
- Make a Time Capsule
- Make Button art – using that random collection of old buttons and some glue, create a gorgeous artwork on a piece of cardboard or paper
- Paint with Watercolours
- Print off some colouring in templates and colour in
- Make Paper Crafts. We love to make butterflies, boats and houses
- Build a Cardboard Castle
- Create leaf scratching using crayons and paper
- Make monsters and aliens out of old tissue boxes.
- Make Potato stamps
- Make Chalk Paint! Using a cupcake tin, fill each mould with 2tbsp corn starch, 4tbsp water and a few drops of different food colourings!
- Make puffy paint – mix 1 part shaving cream to 1 part glue, and add in some food colouring
- Draw a Self Portrait
- Make Your Own Superhero Costume
- Build a Fort
- Have a Pillow Fight
- Paint a Recycled Jar

- Write a Story
- Create a robot using cardboard boxes
- Make ice cream in a bag – see our baking post here!
- Make pikelets – check it out here!
- Create a new recipe using only what you have in your house
- Have a Movie Day
- Put on a Fashion Show
- Tye-dye an old shirt!
- Bake Cupcakes or Muffins – check out our baking activities here!
- Do Yoga – check out our post on keeping kids active at home
- Build an Obstacle Course
- Make Dinner Together
- Build Something With Lego
- Build a Stack of Cards
- Put on a Puppet Show
- Make a Treasure Hunt
- Practice throwing and catching using a ball or balloon
- Create buildings out of Jenga
- Make your own out of space planet. Decorate with glitter, sequins, or diy aliens!
- Make popcorn from scratch

- Make Your Own Indoor Bowling. Use paper towel rolls as your bowling pins and use a ball to bowl
- Learn to Draw
- Put on a Play
- Make Indoor Hopscotch. Use masking tape to make your own hopscotch on tiles in your own
- Do a Family Chore Together
- Have a Dance Party
- Have a Tea Party
- Set up a pretend shop, maybe even with post it note prices and go for a shop. Such a great way to teach your kids about money!
- Make a Sock Toss Game. Use odd socks and fill them with beans or rice. Then try to see how many you can ‘score’ in a laundry basket.
- Write in a Journal
- Play Would you rather
- Play I Spy
- Play a game of kids trivia
- Play Simon Says
- Play Board Games
- Play Hide and Seek
- Learn about the solar system
- Have an indoor scavenger hunt
- Play Bingo – make it simple for young ones by using colours instead of numbers
- Play Card Games

- Do a Puzzle
- Play Charades
- Have a sing along
- Build Your Own Game – this involves a bunch of different activities, from planning to building!
- Play musical chairs
- Play Hot Potato
- Play Marbles
- Play “what would you do?”. This is a great activity to help teach your kids what to do if something goes wrong…”what would you do if your ball rolled onto the road”…”what would you do if you saw a fire in our house”
- Play Keep the Balloon Up
- Play Dominoes
- Play Hangman
- Read Books
- Do a science project
- Learn About a New Animal
- Learn a New Card Game
- Learn to Sew
- Learn to Knit
- Do Brain Teasers
- Learn a New Language
- Learn About a Country
We hope you love these activities! Let us know which ones you decide to do!