
The Soggy Doggy Game has captured the hearts of children worldwide with its unique concept and engaging gameplay. This board game offers a thrilling and interactive experience as players navigate their way around a track, trying to avoid getting wet by the mischievous Soggy Doggy. A perfect game for a hot summer’s day.

In terms of the game the objective is simple: be the first player to make it around the board and reach the finish line without getting soaked by Soggy Doggy. The game board consists of a track with various spaces, each representing a different action or event. Players take turns spinning the spinner and moving their game pieces accordingly.

The Mischievous Soggy Doggy:

At the center of the game is Soggy Doggy, a lovable but unpredictable pup who loves to shake off water. Throughout the game, players must be cautious as they encounter spaces that trigger Soggy Doggy’s bathing time. When a player lands on one of these spaces, they must turn the faucet, causing water to spray onto Soggy Doggy. The anticipation builds as players hope to avoid getting wet while progressing towards the finish line.

soggy doggy


The Soggy Doggy Game combines elements of both luck and strategy, making it an exciting challenge for young players. The spinner determines how many spaces a player can move, adding an element of chance to the game. However, players can strategically choose their path, avoiding spaces that may trigger Soggy Doggy’s bath. This balance between luck and strategy keeps the game unpredictable and engaging.

We love the interactive nature of the Soggy Doggy. Players actively participate in the game by turning the faucet, causing water to spray onto Soggy Doggy. This tactile experience adds an extra layer of excitement and immersion, making the game more enjoyable for children. The anticipation of Soggy Doggy’s shake keeps players on their toes, creating a sense of suspense and laughter throughout the game.

Beyond its entertainment value, the Soggy Doggy Game offers several educational benefits for children. It helps develop essential skills such as counting, taking turns, and following instructions. The game also encourages strategic thinking as players navigate the board, making decisions to avoid getting wet. Additionally, the interactive nature of the game promotes fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

We definitely rate the Soggy Doggy Game as an excellent opportunity for family bonding and social interaction. It brings family members and friends together, fostering communication and laughter as they engage in friendly competition. Whilst the Soggy Doggy Game is designed for children aged 4 and above, Arcadia, my one year old couldn’t help but get involved. She especially loved it when her big sister got soaked by Soggy Doggy.

 If you haven’t rushed to the shops to buy it then get in quick as this is sure to be a Christmas winner!

So gather your family and friends, and head down to your local retailer and embark on a soggy adventure with the Soggy Doggy Game!

Soggy Doggy (RRP $29.99) is available in major retailers such as Kmart, Target and Big W, as well as Amazon and independent traders.

For more information or to purchase click here.






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