How These Wellness Experts Have “Me Time”
‘Me time’ is often something we all crave, especially busy mums. Whether you have children or not, women experience an array of emotional, physical, and hormonal changes throughout the year and therefore should try and make some time to allow their bodies to rest, recover and reset. We spoke to three wellness experts, and they share how they choose to spend their ‘me time’:
Siobhan Fildes – Founder of Ashaya
As a busy mum of a 5 year old and small business owner, sometimes I can put myself last. What I’ve learnt from Ayurveda and incorporating the simple rituals into my daily life is that taking time out to focus on self-care has incredible benefits and doesn’t have to take a lot of time out of your day. A 5 minute meditation, a 20 minute yoga sequence or even a walk in the park after school drop-off, can be powerful enough to refresh my body and mind. For my energy levels and mental health, I always try to prioritise at least 20 minutes of movement each day, even if it means a quick yoga sequence in my office during lunch!
Kate Kendall – Lead Yogi at Flow Athletic
A burnt-out woman from way back I learnt some lessons the hard way year one of being in business. I ended up with a nasty case of adrenal fatigue and stopped practicing what I preach so to speak. Scheduling time for myself is everything. If it’s not scheduled, rarely will I take it. And then actually committing to it is another. There will be days I don’t feel like doing something for myself and instead want to stay at home but only always that ends up with me being roped into chores or motherly activities. The end result of me not scheduling nor committing..? Frustration, fatigue and unfortunately resentment. And then in that scheduled ‘me’ time I like to catch up with friends, get a massage, walk or go lie down in a park.
Chasca Summerville –Alchemy of Ayurveda
I love to weave self-care into my life as a form of recharging and grounding. I cherish the early hours of the morning, before the sun comes up, to practice meditation, yoga and some of the Ayurvedic daily rituals such as self-massage. This time of day feels so still and is a good opportunity to harness the gentle energy of the morning before the to-do list kicks in. It’s not always easy to carve out time for ourselves, but even by choosing to be utterly present in whatever we are doing, such as cooking, we can create space for introspection and mindfulness.
Kate Kendall from Flow Athletic, Siobhan Fildes from Ashaya and renowned Ayurvedic Practitioner and Author, Chasca Summerville have just announced a women’s wellness day retreat on Sunday, June 16 in Sydney. Discover how to balance mind, body, and spirit through personalised self-care routines and nourishing practices. Booking link