Easter is on it’s way and it’s time to get creative with the crafts. We’ve pulled together the coolest indoor Easter craft activities that might keep you sane during iso! We’ve tried to keep the list of items to a minimum, and most of these you can make with whatever you’ve already got in the home.
Easter eggs in your window

In case you’ve not watched Jacinta Ardern speak about this idea, here’s a link to the video.
While we’re not in NZ, parents and households everywhere have started putting up easter eggs in their front window to help kids who might not get the complete easter experience. Why not get your little one to paint or draw an egg & pop it in your front window for passers by to look at over the weekend. If you’ve got shaving cream at home, check out this post to find out how to make an amazing marbled easter eggs.
Easter Baskets
Easter baskets are the perfect easter craft to help your little one get excited for Sunday morning. Using some paper and some staples, use a template in your toddler’s favourite festive colour and get making! There are heaps of different templates, so if you’re really feeling creative, you can have a go of a more complex one! Pop these out on Sunday morning and your little one can use it to collect any eggs that might have been left!
Here’s a video to get you started.
Easter Paper Chain

If you’ve got some spare paper lying around, help your kid to build a paper chain. You can decorate however you want. We love the idea of hanging some easter eggs tied on with string, or attaching some paper easter eggs. What a way to make the house feel just that little bit more festive. Here’s a helpful blog post!
Colourful eggs

Pull out the texts, sharpies, or whatever markers you have and create an egg decorating contest for you and your little one. While there might not be too many competitions for the best decorated eggs, decorating hard boiled eggs is such a classic Easter craft activity. Hard boil some eggs, allow them to cool and then get drawing. Get creative on this one – you might even want to create a virtual competition with other families. Jump on FaceTime after an afternoon of egg decoration and decide on the winner! The adult winner might get a bottle of wine as a prize 😉
Easter Bonnets
Easter bonnets are such a fun craft idea. If you want to keep it simple (or don’t have the supplies), make a hat using lots of colourful paper. Maybe get your toddler to add a pair of ears to theirs. Have a go at helping them make flowers, eggs, leaves or ribbons on their bonnet. If you’ve got an old sun hat, these work amazingly!
Check out Pinterest for some gorgeous designs. Don’t worry if yours don’t come out quite as glamorous! Brighten up your toddlers outfit and help everyone get excited for Easter!
Chick Bookmark

Hopefully the kids are doing a little bit more reading during this time. Help them make Easter that little bit more special with a chick bookmark. We love this idea from Easy Peasy and Fun, and all you need is some paper, glue and a black marker! Your little one will always know where they’re up to and it will save yourself re reading the same chapter wondering if you’ve heard it all before.
Here’s the link to get you started!
We hope you love these easter craft ideas! Let us know if you’ve got any more activities you and your family love to do!