Paint Butterflies and Paper Planes
Looking for a fun way to keep the kids entertained? This fun and creative painting exercise kept my little one, Indy, entertained for hours. She loved making paint butterflies and getting her hands messy. The best thing about it is we just used paper and paints we had lying around the house. Note: You can switch out paint for crayons or colouring pens.

Painting is a also a great way to spent some precious one on one time with your little ones and let’s face it getting messy is half the fun! Not only did we create paint butterflies we also did hand painting, oh and Indy’s favourite – mummy painting! She loves putting the paint on my face and giving me what she call ‘paint lips sticks.’
As you can see we had lot of fun doing all of these pictures!

Once the paintings are dried we then came back for part 2 of our activity, making paper Planes ✈️
Paper Planes
So after waiting for the paint to dry we thought we could make some paper planes. This does require a little more active input from mummy or daddy. Using a YouTube tutorial on our TV, although you can use your tablet or phone we searched how to make ‘easy paper planes.’ This was perfect as it gave me the opportunity to stop and start as often as I needed.
Suitable for all ages. Although just keep in mind our little people (2-4years) have a short attention span, so choosing easy planes to begin with is probably best otherwise their attention span is lost. I learnt the hard way with this one 😊

Indy had a great time getting involved with pressing down the creases on the paper planes we made. However, her favourite part was running around the house throwing her planes every which way whilst mummy tackled the creation of the next master piece plane ✈️
Checkout some of these variations of planes that we created!
Just remember the most important thing is to have fun with your little ones. The the shear joy and happiness that little things like paper planes ✈️ can give your child is simply precious. Have fun and feel free to send us images of your amazing paper plane creations!