Sydney’s Hidden Gems
The beach is an amazing place for both kids and adults. For adults, the beach can be a therapeutic place of recovery or place of social activity. For kids, the beach can be a place of fun, creativity and learning. Luckily for Australians, we have access to some of the world’s best beaches, surf and non-surf, right at our doorstep. We’ve come up with a list of beaches you’ve probably never heard of before that are worth taking the time and effort to visit for the day.
West Head
West Head offers amazing bush walking and some of the more remote beaches within an hours drive of Sydney CBD. A particularly nice beach, definitely the quietest on this list, is Resolute Beach. Only a 20 minute walk from West Head lookout, Resolute Beach offers an amazing view of Sydney’s Northern Beaches and offers a unique experience with often more boats in the water than people on the sand. Be warned, the walk down is a bush track so you will need your sneakers if you plan on making the trip, however, if you are willing to make a day of it, it’s well and truly worth it. Spend the day playing beach cricket and swimming with the fish in some of the clearest water you’ll find. Resolute beach is also a great swimming spot for kids because of the protection provided by Palm Beach. You’ll need a day pass to access the national park so check the national parks website before you go.
Collins Flat
Collins Flat is a small harborside beach only minutes from Manly, which punches way above its weight. Collins Flat offers people a more isolated feeling than some of the bigger beaches as it sits among the North Head headland and is protected from almost all directions. The easiest way to access the beach is to drive to North Head and walk down from the carpark in a matter of minutes straight onto the sand. However do take into account there aren’t any shops nearby so bring whatever you’ll need for the day. Collins Flat also offers kids a great swimming location due to the massive shallow sand bank that stretches almost 100m off the water’s edge. Also, if you have a paddle board or kayak, bring that as well because the rocks hugging Collins Flat on either side make for a very scenic paddle.

Camp Cove Beach

Camp Cove beach is another terrific harbour side beach in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs, less than 10 minutes’ walk from Watson’s Bay ferry terminal. This pristine spot has everything you need to keep you smiling for the day, including a short little heading walk along Green Point Reserve, the Camp Cove kiosk to keep your tummies filled and a longer walk to the North which takes you to the most northern point of South Head. The longer walk also goes passes a track to another small beach “Lady Bay Beach” but steer clear if you have kids because it’s considered a nudist beach by the locals. However, the locals do recommend staying for sunset at Camp Cove at it is a truly beautiful scene watching the sun set behind the city of Sydney.
Clifton Gardens Reserve

Sitting just below Mosman, again on Sydney’s north is the fantastic Clifton Gardens Reserve. A mere 20 minute drive from Sydney CBD, Clifton Garden’s is everything a family could want and more. Clifton Gardens has a fantastic balance of space, facilities and nature surrounding it, with a locals only feel as you head down into the bay. Clifton Bay has a large kids playground, picnic and BBQ area, enclosing swimming area and bush walks to the West. The Clifton Garden’s reserve is a particularly popular spot for Sunday lunches and birthday parties. You can also have piece of mind knowing that the enclosed swimming area provides kids with a shallow and calm place to enjoy free from other sea critters.
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